Bringing Past To Present
Tripping Down Memory Lane Again..
The Retro Bear looks back at the second stage of his retrohood, including those all important first encounters with Mario Kart and Street Fighter II without the aid of rose tinted spectacles….
Originally Posted to on October 12th 2010
My knowledge of game consoles was rather poor when I was younger and just discovering games. Spoiled with the Amiga 500 you came to believe that anything on that machine was arcade perfect, and you sneered at the mention of anything to do with Sega and Nintendo. How wrong we all were – by the mid 90′s home computing, as it was known, was restricted to slow running PC games (and most of those games were flight simulators, ideal if you fancied a career as a pilot) and consoles such as the Mega Drive and Super Nintendo were the must haves.
My mate Jim got me interested in the console side of things. He originally had a Master System and raved about the delights of Psycho Fox and Shinobi, all titles that were not available on the home computers. I even made him an offer to buy the console and games off him for £10 a week, but he was unsurprisingly dismissive of the proposal. He then upgraded to a Mega Drive and was the only person I knew (and still know) to have a Mega CD.
Jim also suffered from Game Rage (see my previous column), involving him punching and bending a vast variety of cartridges and CD’s. Silpheed on the Mega CD was badly bent in half but still worked surprisingly. It was a good test of a game’s playability if it passed the Jim Rage Test. Street Fighter II also suffered, with one punch forcing a large crack down the side of the SNES cartridge. He also paid £65.00 for that when it came out. When I purchased a loose cartridge of the same game last year he was put off by the £40.00 price tag I tried to sell it to him at, having only paid £2.00 myself for it.
Andy still plugged away on his C64 while our other mate Neil invested in a Super Nintendo, and shortly after Jim followed suit. We spent many many hours round in Neil’s bedroom, playing a vast array of titles such as UN Squadron, Super Star Wars and the previously mentioned Street Fighter II. We also played Super Mario Kart, and there I developed my long term hatred for the game. It also went to show just how lucky Neil was at gaming, a trait I understand he still has today, and many the night was ended with Jim storming home after another fluke red shell knocked him off the track.
Neil eventually invested in an N64 when they were released and we spent time between his house and another mate, Mark. Mark loved games like Zelda and Mario 64, but it was here we discovered Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 and the
joys of multi player gaming. In fact I don’t think we played any game more in multi player mode than Goldeneye. Of course, I wasn’t much kop at any of them and would rather than stayed at home than endure another round of Mario Kart Battle Mode. Neil would also never tell you the instructions or controls before you started, which didn’t help.
Andy, and then I, decided to go more upmarket than cartridge based machines, and thus we both purchased a PlayStation 1. I remember Christmas Day night one year, round Neil’s, playing Crash Team Racing and marvelling at it’s superiority to Mario Kart (well I would wouldn’t I ? I didn’t tell Neil the controls either). And then almost as soon as it began all, those years ago, our big nights in were swapped for big nights out and gaming took a back seat to be dipped into now and again.
As far as I know, Andy upgraded to a PS2 and then PS3 and where he now happily resides in Australia. Jim – well Jim didn’t get any new consoles after his N64, though he assures me his whole collection is in his parent’s garage, locked away safely. In the original boxes. It’s worth a few quid I keep telling him but, like me, he’s happy to horde it. Neil meanwhile has both a Wii and PS3, though I am unsure of his reasoning (well two young children is a good one). He told me a few weeks ago he purchased God Of War on the PS3. When I asked why, he simply replied “I don’t know”. More money than sense that one.
Jim and I always used to enjoy a good blast in the arcades – speciality House Of The Dead or Jurassic Park : The Lost World. We weren’t very good but we always loved
the trips to Blackpool to seek these out. Mark became a specialist on Time Crisis and Star Wars (the newer version by Sega where you have lightsaber battles with Darth Vader and Boba Fett). We always loved a good 4 player bash at Sega Rally or Daytona if we could find a 4 linkable set up. Finally I’ll never forget the 4 player horse racing game we found in Blackpool one year, where you had to sit on plastic horses and move the heads back and forth to simulate riding one. It sounds erotically sick, but I have never ever been so knackered after playing a game in my life.
As mentioned, even now, gaming isn’t too far away from our everyday lives, but I am the only one with a retro passsion. That may be more down to me missing out when I was younger, and that I prefer games from the past as opposed to newer titles. Sure I can appreciate their aesthetic qualities and how technology has advanced since Pong, but to me you’ll never beat the cuteness of New Zealand Story, the will to win on Kick Off 2 and the downright brown trouser-ness of the original Doom. To me that’s gaming.
So there you are – a brief history of me, a few mates and the games we played when we were young. Till the next time – If it ain’t retro , then it ain’t gaming.
Print article | This entry was posted by RetroBear on February 25, 2011 at 3:09 pm, and is filed under GameFancier Blogs 2010. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed. |
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about 14 years ago
Good read there, brought back some good memories as well as some sore ones. I play modern games, i reckon this is because i want new technology to give me the same sense of wonder and excitement about games as i did as a kid. I think Sir Clive is right though, programmers have become lazy, or at least lost their imaginativeness. Or maybe its me as a gamer, maybe my imagination is not what it used to be. A few times i’ve watched an old film i loved as a kid and been really disappointed, i wished that i’d just left it as a fond memory. Or maybe its because we’ve been there and done that, and we take games for granted, how many times can i be scared by a zombie for instance? I guess the graphics race is kinda getting in the way of creativity. Theres not a lot of really immersive games around these days, hopefully though, this might lead to a renaissance for these sorts of games, like the way Variety Shows are making a comeback after the dark-ages of reality T.V. Im really hoping LA Noire lives up to my high-ish expectations, Even my non-gamer girlfriend seems exited about it, if we can play it together then that would be quite an achievement in my opinion. Look at me ranting on like a madman. Cheers for the read!
Adey via GBc
about 14 years ago
Thanks for the comment Adey.
I think the use of rose tinted spectacles and “everything was much better back in the day” are as much cliches as they are beneficial. Not all games back in the day were great – I should know I have played a fair few of them recently. Even re-reading old Zzap64 magazines scans show that there were crap games then, just as we have crap games now.
Gaming nowadays is definately stuck in a creative slump. Endless yearly updates on sports games, yet another FPS, more eye bleeding racing games – yet publishers still wheel out Mario, Sonic, PacMan, Donkey Kong etc because they know they are recognisable to most gamers old and new.
I see they have recently resurrected Dragons Lair – now there was a game that was crap then and crap now ! It goes to show no matter how much you polish a turd, it’s still a turd.