Bringing Past To Present
Posts tagged Sega Dreamcast

RetroComment : Happy Birthday to RetroGamer Magazine !!
Mar 5th
Dateline : 5th March 2012
As birthdays come and go, every now and then one of them is a milestone. Be it 16, 18, 21, the dreaded 40 and the even more dreaded 65 – only one stands above them all. That is the Big One and RetroBear joins in the centenary celebrations of Retro Gamer Magazine…..

RetroComment : February-Free-For-All – 29th February 2012
Feb 29th
Dateline 29th February 2012
To close the February Free For All – which in all honesty has been a bit of a disaster content wise but Bear with me because the Mega Drive is up next and I absolutely love that machine – I thought it best to close out with another patented RetroSection list. They are easy to do and don’t require too much taxing of the old brain cells. I can feel the writer’s block gradually lifting and personally cannot wait to get my teeth into the mass of Mega Drive games that await me.
So join me as we bid farewell to February and welcome the much warmer, brighter and altogether more appreciated March with some more retro musings…..

RetroComment : February-Free-For-All : 20th February 2012
Feb 27th
Dateline : 20th February 2012
The following reasons are why Mario is better than Sonic, and why Sonic is better than Mario – at least, for arguments sake, that will give you something to mull over until next time :

RetroReview : February-Free-For-All – 13th February 2012
Feb 22nd
Dateline : 13th February 2012
OK so this is it. The final instalment of my Retro A-Z 2012 edition. It’s been a fun traverse back through some of the weird and wonderful titles and games of yesteryear, and hopefully I’ll have the chance to revisit this again next year. So it’s on with the show as we go U through to Z…..

RetroReview : February Free-For-All 2012 – 6th February 2012
Feb 7th
One wonders what goes through games developer’s minds before they hit that eureka moment, the one that all of a sudden seems like a dashed good idea. More often they are right – in the case of one of the games below – and sometimes they are wide of the mark – as in the case of our other game here. It’s that whole lottery thing where you never quite know if this will be the winning ticket, the one that sets you up.

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 5th February 2012
Feb 7th
What better way to banish those late winter blues than with some top notch retro gaming classics. Well that is the plan, and whether it turns out like that is another thing entirely. Up next, a variation on a successful character and an entry in one of the more successful puzzle franchises ever. If you like hats and bubbles then this could be the column for you………

Retrosection in 2012 : A Sneaky Peek
Jan 11th
11th January 2012
A quick look ahead to some of the fun things that are planned here for Retrosection in the next 12 months. Of course there will be other bits and pieces but the idea is to have a nice them for each month. Read on for more details….

RetroEvents : London Gaming Convention (December 2011) Review
Jan 3rd
3rd January 2011
Better late than never, RetroBear takes you on a journey by train to “That London” as he attends the first ever London Gaming Convention and has a thoroughly enjoyable time of it….
You may recall towards the end of November I mentioned I had been invited to the first London Gaming Convention not far from Arsenal Football Club. Well the good news is I did manage to attend. The bad news is it took me so long to write an article about it. However I can report that, despite a few teething problems, and those I can’t really comment on as I did not take take part, I found the whole thing to be really rather good.

30 Days Of Gaming – Game 14 : Sega Rally Championship (Sega Saturn)
Nov 16th
Dateline : 14th November 2011
Driving games are ten a plenty but it is rare to find one that rocked the arcades that also rocks in the comfort of your own home. Those Friday night trips to Stourport-on-Severn must have paid off as RetroBear loads up one of the great Sega games from the last great days of arcade gaming…..