Bringing Past To Present
Russian Roulette of Retro
This is what being a gamer is all about ; the variety of choice, the thrill of trying something new and coming across the gems and the gallstones that lurk within the confines of your gaming cupboard. Yes folks, it’s random gaming (which one could alike to a rather weird form of speed dating)
The rules for the Russian Roulette of Retro are as follows :
* My lovely assistant Mrs Retro Bear will select any 6 games from a library of over 800 titles
* Unless specified, these will be across random formats
* Each game will be played for a minimum of 30 minutes
* If a game is enjoyable or particularly absorbing I can carry on playing until such point comes when I have had enough
* No matter how bad a game is, it has to get a minimum of 30 minutes
* After playing all 6 games, one will be selected as the Bullet and one as my Retro Recommendation

Russian Roulette of Retro
Feb 25th
Originally Posted to on August 13th 2010
This week, as promised, we embark on something new. Something I hope you will find as enjoyable as I do, and if you don’t then we’ll call the whole thing off and promise never to mention it again. This is what being a gamer is all about ; the variety of choice, the thrill of trying something new and coming across the gems and the gallstones that lurk within the confines of your gaming cupboard. Yes folks, it’s random gaming (which one could alike to a rather weird form of speed dating) More >