Dateline 18th April 2012
The weather in March was lovely. Now we have entered April the weather has turned for the worse. Hail, thunder and torrential rain coupled with colder than average temperatures can mean only one thing. Yes, it’s Car Boot season once again. Ah yes you can almost smell the hotdogs and burgers from the comfort of your own room. Never has there been more fun from being crammed into a tiny field at 7am on a Sunday morning than by going to a booty.

A perfect site for sore retro eyes - there be bargains to be had out there !
So here are a few tips to keep you on your guard during the next few months :
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Amiga 1200,
Amiga 500,
Atari Lynx,
Atari VCS,
Car Boot,
Charity Shops,
Commodore C64,
Game Gear,
Gameboy Advance (GBA),
Handheld Console,
Nintendo 64,
PC Games,
Playstation 1,
Playstation 2,
Sega Dreamcast,
Sega Saturn,
It’s finally good to see the future of GAME has now been resolved. The games industry needs a presence on the high street rather than being available in shops selling carrots, slabs of meat and dog food. Whilst it is good that you can get games at supermarkets, this particular product and market needs a specialist retailer – regardless of what your opinions are of the people who work there and their technical abilities.

What can be done to prevent the fire sale that sparked the collapse of the GAME group ?
So what has GAME got to do going forward. From the suggestion box these spurt forth like a spurting thing :
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Bad Games,
Charity Shops,
Game Rage,
Handheld Console,
PC Games,
Playstation 3,
XBox 360
Dateline 13th March 2012
With the fragile future of GAME hanging in the balance, it seemed only appropriate to say a few words in passing whilst with each day that goes by we wonder if the retail giant is heading towards it’s own Game Over….

This week could spell the end for GAME and Gamestation
Being a gamer it is almost impossible to ignore the continual slide and slow demise of the Game group over the last few months. I have thought long and hard about writing this article, but with news over the weekend that there is likely to be no rescue package and that the company will be left to wither away, I felt it was time to chuck in my two cents and say what I really think about it all.
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Dateline : 5th March 2012
As birthdays come and go, every now and then one of them is a milestone. Be it 16, 18, 21, the dreaded 40 and the even more dreaded 65 – only one stands above them all. That is the Big One and RetroBear joins in the centenary celebrations of Retro Gamer Magazine…..

Happy 100 Retro Gamer !
More >
Arcade Conversions,
Atari Lynx,
Bad Games,
Commodore C64,
Game Gear,
Gameboy Advance (GBA),
Handheld Console,
Nintendo 64,
PC Games,
Playstation 1,
Playstation 2,
Playstation 3,
Retro Memories,
Sega Dreamcast,
Sega Saturn,
Top Tens,
Dateline 29th February 2012
To close the February Free For All – which in all honesty has been a bit of a disaster content wise but Bear with me because the Mega Drive is up next and I absolutely love that machine – I thought it best to close out with another patented RetroSection list. They are easy to do and don’t require too much taxing of the old brain cells. I can feel the writer’s block gradually lifting and personally cannot wait to get my teeth into the mass of Mega Drive games that await me.

This game is like the February Free For All - a bit of a disaster.....
So join me as we bid farewell to February and welcome the much warmer, brighter and altogether more appreciated March with some more retro musings…..
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Amiga 500,
Arcade Conversions,
Atari Lynx,
Bad Games,
Commodore C64,
Game Gear,
Game Rage,
Gameboy Advance (GBA),
Handheld Console,
Nintendo 64,
Playstation 1,
Playstation 2,
Retro Memories,
Sega Dreamcast,
Sega Saturn,
Dateline : 20th February 2012
The following reasons are why Mario is better than Sonic, and why Sonic is better than Mario – at least, for arguments sake, that will give you something to mull over until next time :

It's the battle to end all battles, the rage in the cage, the rumble in the jungle - but who comes out on top ?
More >
Game Gear,
Game Rage,
Handheld Console,
Nintendo 64,
Retro Memories,
Sega Dreamcast,
Sega Saturn,
Sports Games,
Top Tens
Dateline 1st February 2012

Not quite a box of chocolates, but you still don't know what you are going to get
February is a funny old month – long enough away from Christmas for it to be a fond, fuzzy memory whilst bringing you one step closer to summer. Either way, no matter what the time of year it’s always a time for games. The February Free-For-All means just that ; no set format, no set genre, no limit on games. It’s simply going to be a case of plug in, pick up and play. The whole random nature of this should be rather fun, and it’s going to an entry-a-day too, so plenty to look forward to.
More >
Bad Games,
Gameboy Advance (GBA),
Handheld Console,
Japanese games,
Racing games,
Retro Memories,
Dateline 29th January 2012
As the cold weather begins to creep in, what better way to warm your hands than on a veritable raging fire of hot NES games. This is the final part of the NES January Classic 2012 and there are still one or two surprises for Retrobear to unearth…..

Even if your old consoles don't work you can always adapt them into something more useful instead
And now the end is near, and we reach, the final few-games-of-the-NES-January-classic. The observant amongst you will notice that once again I have failed to go for the more obvious titles – those being anything with Mario and Zelda in the title, Metroid, Castlevania etc. That is purely because rather than play games that people have played over and over again and been reviewed to shit by literally everyone running their own site and blog, I just want to be a little different.
That’s not to say I won’t play and review them in the future though………….maybe.
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11th January 2012
A quick look ahead to some of the fun things that are planned here for Retrosection in the next 12 months. Of course there will be other bits and pieces but the idea is to have a nice them for each month. Read on for more details….

12 months is a long time in video gaming...........
More >
Amiga 1200,
Amiga 500,
Arcade Conversions,
Atari VCS,
Game Gear,
Game Rage,
Gameboy Advance (GBA),
Handheld Console,
Nintendo 64,
Playstation 1,
Playstation 2,
Retro Memories,
Sega Dreamcast,
Sega Saturn,
4th January 2012
Is it too much to ask for something a little different ? After all if everything is the same over and over again it all becomes a bit safe and predictable. After casting an eye over some of 2012’s big game releases, RetroBear sharpens his claws once again for another attack on modern gaming….

Now wouldn't that be something ?
More >
Amiga 500,
Arcade Conversions,
Handheld Console,
Playstation 3,
Retro Memories,
XBox 360