Bringing Past To Present
Posts tagged Car Boot

RetroReview : Mega Drive March Madness Part 5
Mar 31st
Dateline 30th March 2012
Sequels and licences, two of my least favourite things. They go together like wood chippings and jam and there are far too many inferior examples of them across all formats of video games. They still produce them to this day, with video game developers chasing that last penny from us all in return for something that stinks worse than last night’s curry.
Expect this to be a mix of the sublime and the ridiculous as we enter the next part of Mega Drive March Madness……….

RetroReview : Mega Drive March Madness Part 3
Mar 28th
Dateline 27th March 2012
Games, games, games. Tonnes of them around and I choose to play all the really old ones. Well someone has to and seeing as I am not overly fond of the way the current games market sits in terms of getting to grips with the modern titles and methods of playing, simply give me a joypad, minimal fire buttons and no motion sensor at all and I’ll be dead happy.
It’s part 2 of this month’s Mega Drive games reviews………….

RetroReview : Plug N Play
Jul 29th
RetroBear loves his handhelds so what better way to further enhance those gaming memories by having a look at some easy to obtain and easy to use Plug N Play devices. They’re a darn sight cheaper than a 3DS that’s for sure…..
As you’ll know from my scribblings here at RetroSection I am what you would class as a retro traditionalist. That is I don’t like anyone messing around with how things were. I don’t have anything against the silver version of the Atari 2600, I just prefer the original woody model. I love the Gameboy Pocket but I also like the chunky feel of the grey, 4 AA battery original. So it is with interest that over the last few weeks I have been tentatively dipping my retro toe into the world of Plug N Play.