Bringing Past To Present
Posts tagged PC Games

RetroComment : Happy Birthday to RetroGamer Magazine !!
Mar 5th
Dateline : 5th March 2012
As birthdays come and go, every now and then one of them is a milestone. Be it 16, 18, 21, the dreaded 40 and the even more dreaded 65 – only one stands above them all. That is the Big One and RetroBear joins in the centenary celebrations of Retro Gamer Magazine…..

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 9th February 2012
Feb 14th
Dateline 9th February 2012
The best way to deal with writer’s block – which, as some of you may have noticed, is why there hasn’t been an update for a week – is to get some sort of list going that will stimulate the writing juices. It’s either that or finally give in and play some well known games for a change as opposed to the obscure ones. Argh No! So join me now as we go through the Retro Alphabet with as many glaring omissions as there are inclusions, I am sure :

RetroEvents : London Gaming Convention (December 2011) Review
Jan 3rd
3rd January 2011
Better late than never, RetroBear takes you on a journey by train to “That London” as he attends the first ever London Gaming Convention and has a thoroughly enjoyable time of it….
You may recall towards the end of November I mentioned I had been invited to the first London Gaming Convention not far from Arsenal Football Club. Well the good news is I did manage to attend. The bad news is it took me so long to write an article about it. However I can report that, despite a few teething problems, and those I can’t really comment on as I did not take take part, I found the whole thing to be really rather good.
RetroEvents : London Gaming Con – 3rd & 4th December
Nov 29th
Here is a real opportunity for all retro and current games fans. Coming up this weekend at the Rocket Complex, Holloway Road in London is the first ever London Gaming Convention. Check below for further details of this fabulous event and register your interest. Seriously it beats dragging yourself up and down the high street Christmas shopping !
Retrosection will be in attendance and we hope to have some reviews and pictures of just what went on and what you will miss out on if you don’t go ! So check out the website below and all the details and RetroBear hopes to see you there !
London Gaming Con is fast approaching this 3-4 December. Make sure to Register Now for the event which will bring Gamers together! It will be a 1,000 person-event by fans for fans at the Rocket Complex on Holloway Road, taking place from 11am in the morning right through to well past midnight. Remember, you must be over the age of 18 by 3rd December to attend.
If you register and pay now then you can get Saturday for just £8 and Sunday for just £6. (On the day entry without pre-paying is £10 per day).
Register Here – View Travel Info Here – Full Website Here
Party till 1am! Ultimate Championship: Win £100 brentalfloss Live-Concert! Over THIRTY game tournaments Play Latest Games Casually Extensive Retro Zone Anime Screenings LAN Gaming Bass Invaders Rave! |
Game Developers Talks Super-Sonic-Sunday! DDR Tournament Cosplay Masquerade CoLD StoRAGE Live Pub Quiz Cosplay Workshops Sunday Sonic Party Whose Game is it Anyway? |
Area 11 Live-Band YGO/MtG TCG Tournaments Bands & Chiptunists Buy VG Goodies Sonic Blindfolded Karaoke Nintendisco & ClubSEGA Ashens, Guru Larry, Benzaie MUCH MUCH MORE! |
View Guests Here – View Event Timetable Here – View Tournaments Here
Stakes Tournaments (Cash Entry, Big Prizes): Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Melee, Blazblue Continuum Shift 2, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade, Arcana Heart 3, Ultimate Marvel v Capcom 3, King of Fighters XIII, Animeleague’s Dance Dance Revolution
StandardsTournaments (Free Entry): Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Animeleague’s Dance Dance Revolution, Counter Strike Source, Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Micro Machines, Tetris 64, Goldeneye 64, Sonic 2, Super Mario (original), Halo Anniversary, Gears of War 3, Mortal Kombat 9, US2, Modern Warfare 3, Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Brawl, Sonic Generations, Blazblue, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade, Forza, Phantasy Star

Tripping Down Memory Lane Again..
Feb 25th
The Retro Bear looks back at the second stage of his retrohood, including those all important first encounters with Mario Kart and Street Fighter II without the aid of rose tinted spectacles….
Originally Posted to on October 12th 2010
My knowledge of game consoles was rather poor when I was younger and just discovering games. Spoiled with the Amiga 500 you came to believe that anything on that machine was arcade perfect, and you sneered at the mention of anything to do with Sega and Nintendo. How wrong we all were – by the mid 90′s home computing, as it was known, was restricted to slow running PC games (and most of those games were flight simulators, ideal if you fancied a career as a pilot) and consoles such as the Mega Drive and Super Nintendo were the must haves.
My mate Jim got me interested in the console side of things. He originally had a Master System and raved about the delights of Psycho Fox and Shinobi, all titles that were not available on the home computers. I even made him an offer to buy the console and games off him for £10 a week, but he was unsurprisingly dismissive of the proposal. He then upgraded to a Mega Drive and was the only person I knew (and still know) to have a Mega CD. More >