Bringing Past To Present
Posts tagged Atari VCS

RetroReview : February-Free-For-All – 13th February 2012
Feb 22nd
Dateline : 13th February 2012
OK so this is it. The final instalment of my Retro A-Z 2012 edition. It’s been a fun traverse back through some of the weird and wonderful titles and games of yesteryear, and hopefully I’ll have the chance to revisit this again next year. So it’s on with the show as we go U through to Z…..

RetroReview : February-Free-For-All – 11th February 2012
Feb 18th
Dateline : 11th February 2012
This is most definitely bringing back the memories as we go along. Whether it is curing the writer’s block is another thing entirely but it has been good for the soul. More glaring omissions along the way as we visit the more obscure retro references……

RetroReview : February-Free-For-All – 10th February 2012
Feb 18th
Dateline : 10th February 2012
I’d like to make one thing clear about this retro alphabet thing – by no means at all is this a definitive list. There are going to be omissions, this list is simply a start ; a sort of launchpad if you will. It is something I want to add to as time goes on and yes it will eventually see names like Mario, Sonic and Zelda in there. However if you are a regular RetroSection-ite you will know that we prefer to look at some of the more obscure as opposed to the mass marketed.
Prey continue……..

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 9th February 2012
Feb 14th
Dateline 9th February 2012
The best way to deal with writer’s block – which, as some of you may have noticed, is why there hasn’t been an update for a week – is to get some sort of list going that will stimulate the writing juices. It’s either that or finally give in and play some well known games for a change as opposed to the obscure ones. Argh No! So join me now as we go through the Retro Alphabet with as many glaring omissions as there are inclusions, I am sure :

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 3rd February 2012
Feb 5th
While the weather outside is certainly frightening, inside there is plenty of delighting going on. That’s the joy of having a hobby like retro gaming – you don’t have to go very far, it never gets rained off and it’s always warm when you do it. I know that’s not such a good advertisement for healthy living and all that kind of stuff, but when have I ever lived by the rules ?

RetroReview : The NES January Classic Part 3
Jan 18th
Dateline 18th January 2012
Continuing the NES January Classic, under the microscope this time are a couple of original titles, a few arcade conversions and one game that had me laughing like a banshee. So join me as I go up to the letter R…………..

Retrosection in 2012 : A Sneaky Peek
Jan 11th
11th January 2012
A quick look ahead to some of the fun things that are planned here for Retrosection in the next 12 months. Of course there will be other bits and pieces but the idea is to have a nice them for each month. Read on for more details….

RetroReview : The NES January Classic Part One
Jan 5th
5th January 2012
Roll up, roll up for the very first Retrosection NES January Classic. Well it sounds fun doesn’t it ? Random NES games will be put through their paces (briefly) as RetroBear gives some love to a console he hasn’t had a lot of time for in the past….
You know when you have been a bit harsh on something in the past and as a result of that you tend to form an opinion that stays with you forever ? Hmmmm me too. I have always harboured ill feelings towards the NES for some reason. I don’t know why but for some reason it doesn’t give me the same feeling as I get from the SNES, N64, Gamecube and Game Boy. It’s kind of daft really as if it wasn’t for the success of the NES rising from the ashes after the Video Games Crash of 1983, we might not be talking about consoles in quite the same vein and computer games might be something completely different.

RetroEvents : London Gaming Convention (December 2011) Review
Jan 3rd
3rd January 2011
Better late than never, RetroBear takes you on a journey by train to “That London” as he attends the first ever London Gaming Convention and has a thoroughly enjoyable time of it….
You may recall towards the end of November I mentioned I had been invited to the first London Gaming Convention not far from Arsenal Football Club. Well the good news is I did manage to attend. The bad news is it took me so long to write an article about it. However I can report that, despite a few teething problems, and those I can’t really comment on as I did not take take part, I found the whole thing to be really rather good.