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Posts by RetroBear

RetroReview : February-Free-For-All – 10th February 2012
Feb 18th
Dateline : 10th February 2012
I’d like to make one thing clear about this retro alphabet thing – by no means at all is this a definitive list. There are going to be omissions, this list is simply a start ; a sort of launchpad if you will. It is something I want to add to as time goes on and yes it will eventually see names like Mario, Sonic and Zelda in there. However if you are a regular RetroSection-ite you will know that we prefer to look at some of the more obscure as opposed to the mass marketed.
Prey continue……..

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 9th February 2012
Feb 14th
Dateline 9th February 2012
The best way to deal with writer’s block – which, as some of you may have noticed, is why there hasn’t been an update for a week – is to get some sort of list going that will stimulate the writing juices. It’s either that or finally give in and play some well known games for a change as opposed to the obscure ones. Argh No! So join me now as we go through the Retro Alphabet with as many glaring omissions as there are inclusions, I am sure :

RetroReview : February Free-For-All 2012 – 8th February 2012
Feb 13th
Dateline : 8th February 2012
That old lycra fetish is coming out again. Time to strap on the spandex, do up the laces and posedown for WWF Wrestlemania on the Amiga……..

RetroReview : February-Free-For-All – February 7th 2012
Feb 13th
Dateline : 7th February 2012
Get your motors running, it’s Super Hang On on the Sega Mega Drive…….

Commodorathon : Games 37-42
Feb 8th
Dateline 7th February 2012
Game 42 marks the 10%-ish mark of the Commodorathon. To say it’s been an arduous trek so far is to say that elephants are made of sheet metal. Still it doesn’t help that the six games chosen at random tend to be just that – random. Cacky old arcade conversions, lame film-tie ins and the great, great grandson of Championship Manager lay in wait in this next batch……..

RetroReview : February Free-For-All 2012 – 6th February 2012
Feb 7th
One wonders what goes through games developer’s minds before they hit that eureka moment, the one that all of a sudden seems like a dashed good idea. More often they are right – in the case of one of the games below – and sometimes they are wide of the mark – as in the case of our other game here. It’s that whole lottery thing where you never quite know if this will be the winning ticket, the one that sets you up.

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 5th February 2012
Feb 7th
What better way to banish those late winter blues than with some top notch retro gaming classics. Well that is the plan, and whether it turns out like that is another thing entirely. Up next, a variation on a successful character and an entry in one of the more successful puzzle franchises ever. If you like hats and bubbles then this could be the column for you………

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 4th February 2012
Feb 5th
Being one of the biggest weekends in the American sporting calendar, you may wonder what significance the playing of Super Bowl 46 would have on us here in the UK. Well you might be surprised to know that tens of thousands of us will be sitting up well into the early hours of Monday morning watching those padded up superstars of the NFL bash each other senseless. It does seem quite funny to call the winners World Champions though, seeing as the sport is only played by American teams…………I can hear that can of worms opening from here…….

RetroReview : February Free-For-All – 3rd February 2012
Feb 5th
While the weather outside is certainly frightening, inside there is plenty of delighting going on. That’s the joy of having a hobby like retro gaming – you don’t have to go very far, it never gets rained off and it’s always warm when you do it. I know that’s not such a good advertisement for healthy living and all that kind of stuff, but when have I ever lived by the rules ?

RetroReview : The February Free-For-All – 2nd February 2012
Feb 3rd
Dateline 2nd February 2012
There is very much a handheld theme to the start of the February Free-For-All, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Portable gaming is available so freely now because of the advent of Smart Phones, but back in the 80’s and 90’s such a thing was a very rare beast indeed. So much so that a lot of great games have either been forgotten about or are not appreciated by today’s audience. One would hope the more visible these games are made, the more people will take an interest in them.