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Posts by RetroBear

RetroReview : The February Free-For-All – 1st February 2012
Feb 2nd
Dateline 1st February 2012
February is a funny old month – long enough away from Christmas for it to be a fond, fuzzy memory whilst bringing you one step closer to summer. Either way, no matter what the time of year it’s always a time for games. The February Free-For-All means just that ; no set format, no set genre, no limit on games. It’s simply going to be a case of plug in, pick up and play. The whole random nature of this should be rather fun, and it’s going to an entry-a-day too, so plenty to look forward to.

RetroReview : The NES January Classic Part 4
Jan 29th
Dateline 29th January 2012
As the cold weather begins to creep in, what better way to warm your hands than on a veritable raging fire of hot NES games. This is the final part of the NES January Classic 2012 and there are still one or two surprises for Retrobear to unearth…..
And now the end is near, and we reach, the final few-games-of-the-NES-January-classic. The observant amongst you will notice that once again I have failed to go for the more obvious titles – those being anything with Mario and Zelda in the title, Metroid, Castlevania etc. That is purely because rather than play games that people have played over and over again and been reviewed to shit by literally everyone running their own site and blog, I just want to be a little different.
That’s not to say I won’t play and review them in the future though………….maybe.

Commodorathon : Games 31-36
Jan 25th
Dateline : 25th January 2012
After spending too long in the wilderness the Commodorathon makes it triumphant return for 2012. Retrobear still has one heck of a way to go before the end but with a semi-regular visit to this vaunted project at least he can chip away at it bit by bit. So here are games 31-36 with more of the same Commodore 64 games goodness.

RetroReview : The NES January Classic Part 3
Jan 18th
Dateline 18th January 2012
Continuing the NES January Classic, under the microscope this time are a couple of original titles, a few arcade conversions and one game that had me laughing like a banshee. So join me as I go up to the letter R…………..

RetroReview : The NES January Classic Part 2
Jan 12th
12th January 2012
Part 2 of the NES January Classic sees 5 more games come under the Retrosection microscope and as always it’s a mixed old bag……
It’s Part 2 of the NES January classic, where 5 more games come under the retro spotlight. The great thing about the NES was at the time you were getting original titles as well as arcade favourites being converted for the home market. We shall see more evidence of that as we proceed, and just for good measure here are those 5 which contain a mixture of the above :

Retrosection in 2012 : A Sneaky Peek
Jan 11th
11th January 2012
A quick look ahead to some of the fun things that are planned here for Retrosection in the next 12 months. Of course there will be other bits and pieces but the idea is to have a nice them for each month. Read on for more details….

RetroReview : The NES January Classic Part One
Jan 5th
5th January 2012
Roll up, roll up for the very first Retrosection NES January Classic. Well it sounds fun doesn’t it ? Random NES games will be put through their paces (briefly) as RetroBear gives some love to a console he hasn’t had a lot of time for in the past….
You know when you have been a bit harsh on something in the past and as a result of that you tend to form an opinion that stays with you forever ? Hmmmm me too. I have always harboured ill feelings towards the NES for some reason. I don’t know why but for some reason it doesn’t give me the same feeling as I get from the SNES, N64, Gamecube and Game Boy. It’s kind of daft really as if it wasn’t for the success of the NES rising from the ashes after the Video Games Crash of 1983, we might not be talking about consoles in quite the same vein and computer games might be something completely different.

RetroComment : Where’s The Originality ?
Jan 4th
4th January 2012
Is it too much to ask for something a little different ? After all if everything is the same over and over again it all becomes a bit safe and predictable. After casting an eye over some of 2012’s big game releases, RetroBear sharpens his claws once again for another attack on modern gaming….

RetroEvents : London Gaming Convention (December 2011) Review
Jan 3rd
3rd January 2011
Better late than never, RetroBear takes you on a journey by train to “That London” as he attends the first ever London Gaming Convention and has a thoroughly enjoyable time of it….
You may recall towards the end of November I mentioned I had been invited to the first London Gaming Convention not far from Arsenal Football Club. Well the good news is I did manage to attend. The bad news is it took me so long to write an article about it. However I can report that, despite a few teething problems, and those I can’t really comment on as I did not take take part, I found the whole thing to be really rather good.