Dateline : 27th November 2011
Don’t you just hate it when someone some how manages to destroy something that seems indestructible ? How hard could it be to ruin an arcade classic such as Commando ? RetroBear should start re-reading some of his old posts as this is a far more common occurance than he seems to think………

Hmmmm doesn't exactly fill me with confidence - you can tell a lot from a title screen
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Dateline : 26th November 2011
RetroBear never had a paper round when he was little. It wasn’t the fact he couldn’t wake up early enough, nor was it the fact that he didn’t think he could handle it. No it was more down to the fact that he really couldn’t be bothered……

Don't you just love games that do exactly what they say on the title screen ?
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Dateline : 25th November 2011
With the nights drawn in and everything going that bit colder, RetroBear dons his Parka jacket, grabs hold of the nearest hammer and goes out to thwack some long haired freaks. No he’s not hippy-bashing, he’s yeti-squashing in Ice Climber……

One of the original launch titles for the NES in the US, Ice Climber originally had you whacking seals with a hammer before someone decided yetis might be a bit more acceptable
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Dateline : 24th November 2011
You have to wonder why some games end up being converted to some consoles or comp0uters. Here is such a pointless exercise for your consideration as RetroBear looks back to his one and only experience with a C16+4…..

Make sure you always check the screenshots on the back....because they don't always apply to version you are buying....
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Dateline : 23rd November 2011
Well the good stuff didn’t last as RetroBear plays one of the biggest steaming piles of cow dung ever released on the Super Nintendo. The question is why did anyone really both trying to convert a game so shallow as this ?

Well the box looks nice I suppose, but its all downhill when you open it
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Amiga 500,
Angry Video Game Nerd,
Arcade Conversions,
Commodore C16,
Game Rage,
PC Games,
Retro Memories,
Dateline : 18th November 2011
You either love clowns or are scared of them. So in both ways by playing this game you are actually satisfied. Laugh as you send the clowns to pop the balloons or laugh as you condemn them to death after a fall from a great height. Either way RetroBear isn’t wearing those big silly trousers and red nose for a laugh. Or is he….?

You can't get more circusy than that, even if some of the pictures on there are slightly misleading as to what features in the game
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Dateline : 17th November 2011
All aboard the good ship Retrosection, and after swigging a bottle of rum and counting his pieces of eight, RetroBear considers the continuing adventures of an egg named Dizzy complete with nautical theme…..

Budget gaming arrives on the Amiga in the shape of an egg. A cracking adventure to follow ?
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Dateline : 15th November 2011
Using the force, RetroBear loads up Shadows Of The Empire. An original Star Wars adventure that had such myth and hype built up before it was released that it could never live up to it. Whilst not sucking on a Phantom Menace scale, this is not LucasArts finest gaming moment….

Now this is what we wanted - arguably the best section of this game
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Dateline : 13th November 2011
Is it unlucky 13 or will the thought of strapping himself into spandex and an unusually large codpiece prevent RetroBear from being rolled up behind for a quick pinfall ? Only one way to find out – it’s time to rummmmblllllle…..

This game isn't so tough, the box is made out of cardboard !
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Dateline : 10th November 2011
One third of the way through the 30 days of gaming the pressure is most definitely on. After all which other 20 games will be slapped in to the consoles and played ? If only RetroBear had the Amiga version of Rocket Ranger and not this duff attem which arrived on the NES…..

The good news is you get to punch Nazis. The bad news is that's the only good news in this game
Back when I first had my Amiga there was a series of games that I was heavily fond of and now are but a pleasant memory. The fact they all came from the same software house – Cinemaware – is no coincidence. Their games had a very strong reputation for being of incredibly high quality with stunning graphics and rather excellent game play too. One game I never got to play was It Came From The Desert which was a spoof on the monster invasion films of the 1950’s.
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