Bringing Past To Present
Posts tagged Buying

30 Days of Gaming – Game 19 – Goldeneye (Nintendo 64)
Nov 22nd
Posted by RetroBear in Retro Reviews
Dateline : 19th November 2011
The old foe stands opposite Retrobear – the move tie in. However on this occasion he is more than pleasantly surprised as this one is really rather good. In fact not just rather good but stupendously good. So grab your silencer and your tuxedo as RetroBear goes all Bond on us….

30 Days of Gaming – Game 10 : Rocket Ranger (NES)
Nov 13th
Posted by RetroBear in Retro Reviews
Dateline : 10th November 2011
One third of the way through the 30 days of gaming the pressure is most definitely on. After all which other 20 games will be slapped in to the consoles and played ? If only RetroBear had the Amiga version of Rocket Ranger and not this duff attem which arrived on the NES…..
Back when I first had my Amiga there was a series of games that I was heavily fond of and now are but a pleasant memory. The fact they all came from the same software house – Cinemaware – is no coincidence. Their games had a very strong reputation for being of incredibly high quality with stunning graphics and rather excellent game play too. One game I never got to play was It Came From The Desert which was a spoof on the monster invasion films of the 1950’s.

30 Days of Gaming – Game 9 : Virtua Tennis (Sega Dreamcast)
Nov 13th
Posted by RetroBear in Retro Reviews
Dateline : 9th November 2011
With a craving for barley water running through his veins, REtroBear tackles one of the best sports games out there as well as one of his own pet hates. You’ll see why underneath he is no member of the Andy Murray Fan Club….
I hate tennis. Its not really a sport to me, more of a minority one that should be tucked away on some obscure satellite sports channel where no one knows it is there. Sport should never be elitist but the only seemingly good tennis players we Brits seem to produce are either toffs, Scots or Canadians. My hatred doesn’t end there – for me tennis is equally dull to play as it is to watch and besides, the only tennis courts round here are used for football.

30 Days of Gaming – Games 7 & 8 : Frostbite (Atari 2600) and Castle of Illusion (Sega Mega Drive)
Nov 9th
Posted by RetroBear in Retro Reviews
Dateline : 7th & 8th November 2011
Time constraints ahoy so Retrobear condenses 2 games reviews into one entry. First up the ice flow hopping antics of Frostbite on the wooden wonder Atari 2600, and then slipping on a pair of red shorts and some big mouse ears as he tackles Castle of Illusion on the Sega Mega Drive….

30 Days Of Gaming – Game 1 : Dick Tracy (Sega Mega Drive)
Nov 2nd
Posted by RetroBear in Retro Reviews
Dateline : 1st November 2011
Wandering through the criminal underground armed only with a dodgy looking yellow mac and Madonna for company, RetroBear tackles the more seedy people in society as he takes the role of Dick Tracy. Will he be a hard Dick or a limp Dick ? Only one way to find out…..
There have been many great detectives over the years : Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, Inspector Morse, Lovejoy (OK well that last one is pushing it a bit but he didn’t just deal in antiques you know), but Dick Tracy is a name that probably wouldn’t make it into most people’s Top 10. Largely confined to American comic strips and animated TV series, the first real wind we got of Dick Tracy was in the blockbuster film of the same name starring Warren Beatty, Al Pacino and Madonna.

RetroComment : Why 3D ain’t all it’s cracked to be
Aug 14th
Posted by RetroBear in Everything Else
The recent rumblings at Nintendo show the 3D market for games is still very shaky. By the time you have read this article the price of the 3DS may have dropped even further. Have Nintendo once again missed the mark ? Is 3D ever going to be anything other than a fad ? Retrobear casts his critical eye below….
It really comes as no surprise that Nintendo’s launch of the 3DS console has been nothing short of a minor disaster for the company. It wouldn’t be the first time that they have totally overestimated the appeal of a new launch product, or mishandled a new release. I know because I was one of the few who ran out and purchased a Gamecube on launch day (there is another article covering this on this website and it still marks the last time I did such a thing)

RetroComment : A sheep in R2D2’s clothing
Jul 28th
Posted by RetroBear in Everything Else
After taking little notice of E3 2011 back in June (RetroBear prefers E4 as it has the Inbetweeners on it), there was one small item of news that caught his eye. However rather than being something important, it only turned out to be a tarted up XBOX 360 designed to continue to fund George Lucas’ pension pot…..
At the beginning of June at E3 2011, Microsoft announced the launch of a Limited Edition Star Wars XBOX 360 Kinect Edition. So for all those hardy souls out there who have dreamed of having a 360 in the same colours as R2D2 with fully functional sound effects and a gold C3P0-like headset as well will have had all their Christmases come at once. For the rest of us it simply translates as the Newly Repackaged Microsoft More Money Please 360.

RetroSection Returns !!
Jul 1st
Posted by RetroBear in Everything Else
It has been a while but back from the retro wilderness he comes. Armed to the teeth with all manner of retro goodies, RetroBear returns fully released back into the community. And he’s not all that happy with how things have been whilst he was away……

A Day In The Life..
Feb 25th
Posted by RetroBear in GameFancier Blogs 2010
In the second part of this week’s (or should that be last week’s ?) column, the Retrobear gives you insight into the trials and tribulations of getting hold of retro games without using eBay.
Originally Posted to on August 23rd 2010
OK so I am a little late, but for some reason when I wasn’t out shopping this past weekend, I either spent it eating or asleep. For those of you trying to gauge what kind of person I am, that is my perfect weekend. Too much sleep however prevented me from getting this piece up on Sunday, so let me try and recap the weekend’s events and give you a first hand view of what it’s like being a retro collector.
Saturday was spent trawling round the various charity shops in close proximity to home. I also happened to call into Gamestation whilst I was at it, but was distinctly unimpressed by what was on offer. I struggle to understand their pricing policy on their older games i.e. PS1. More >

Car Boot Gaming
Feb 25th
Posted by RetroBear in GameFancier Blogs 2010
Practical advise for anyone wanting to pick up retro game bargains, as long as you don’t mind the great British tradition of the car boot sale. Retrobear explains how to survive.
Originally Posted to on June 17th 2010
Firstly at the risk of sounding like I am blowing my own trumpet, I took my own advice this past weekend and picked up a whole load of C64 and Amiga games from the local car boot. So there you go there are riches to be found out there – you just got to look in the right places.
On to this week’s blog which comes to you from the nerve centre here at Bear Towers. Surrounded by games and systems; the good, the bad, the forgotten and the downright awful, I always say to people if you saw the collection of 700-800 games and about 20+ systems you might never want to leave. A lot of the time I am right, then we start talking rent and they quickly head for the door. More >